1st M25 EMPIRE Men's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Danielom Balaščákom po postupe do finále kvalifikácie

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Luciou Havlíčkovou po zisku titulu v Trnave

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Singles Final Ceremony / Ceremoniál po finále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Luciou Havlíčkovou po postupe do finále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Olivia Nicholls & Alicia Barnett interview after doubles final

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Amina Anshba & Anastasia Detiuc interview after doubles final

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Doubles Final Ceremony / Ceremoniál po finále štvorhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Daria Snigur interview after she advanced to the semifinals
